Supreme Home Care
411 McLaurin Street Suite B
Wadesboro, NC 28170
704-695-0694 (phone) 704-695-0695 (fax)

About Supreme Home Care
I was born and raised right here in Wadesboro, North Carolina. I have always been passionate about helping people and taking care of others. My career in health care started in high school where I enrolled in a Health Occupations course and gained my license as a Certified Nursing Assistant while I was in the 12th grade. I spent my entire senior year working as a CNA and I loved every minute of it! It was then that I knew that I was destined to work in the health care field. Upon graduating high school, I immediately went to college to get my degree in nursing. While it was difficult, it was much more rewarding than I had imagined! I have a love and a passion to help others, and to make sure that they are living the healthiest life possible.
I have currently been a nurse for 26 years, and during that time I have worked in the hospital setting on the medical and surgical units, I have worked in the nursing home caring for the elderly, and I have spent the last 10 years working as a home care nurse where I have cared for pediatric and adult clients. Some of which have tracheostomy tubes in place and are on ventillators, oxygen, breathing treatments and feeding tubes at home. I found each experience fulfilling and grew to love each client and patient that I have come into contact with.
After 25 years, I finally had the courage to start my own home care company. In January 2014 I started Supreme Home Care, Inc and I LOVE IT, and I LOVE ALL OF THE PEOPLE THAT I SERVE!! This is definitely the job for me.
Thank You All for Your Continued Support!